Meet the Maxim Team - Malwina Bieniawska​

Malwina Bieniawska​ - Sustainability and Community Coordinator

Mal, please tell us about the role you play within the Maxim team.

My role is very wide-ranging and includes organizing events and activities, introducing new charity initiatives, helping tenants take care of the allotment and community garden, talking about sustainability and ESG strategy at the Park and more.  

What roles did you have prior to joining the Maxim team?

My background covers event management (mostly international film and music festivals), film production (production department), travel and hospitality. I have always been a part of busy, creative environments.       

What do you enjoy most about your role at Maxim?

It embodies my work experience, education and passion, for community projects, charity initiatives, event organization, filmmaking and nature. I am very lucky.

What makes Maxim a special place to work?

Working for a company that promotes sustainability and community values. Great spaces to unwind and relax during a break is a big plus as sitting barefoot on grass or walking and admiring nature are my favourite. 

What will be keeping you busy in the coming months?

Creating a community of great people attracted to nature and community garden, into taking part in charity initiatives, fans of spending free time actively, desiring to up-skill and develop.

Tell us something about Maxim that we may not know?

I know the names of plants in Maxim Park and soon you will know them as well!!

Tell us an interesting fact about yourself.

I have lived in five European countries, because - why not?! I love meeting new cultures, learning languages, travelling and discovering art and kookiness of a nation.  

Tell us one piece of advice you have never forgotten

“Don’t” – Fans of the “Marvellous Mrs Maisel“ recognise this quote.

What keeps you busy when you are not working at Maxim?

Recently? Analysing if I can adopt a dog. And planning a trip to Greenland and Italy. I am about to pick up a new sport too. Well, boules, but I am hoping for a healthy adrenaline kick!

What was the last book you read?

“Lud z grenlandzkiej wyspy” - A memoir from Greenland

Name your top 3 albums of all time

Impossible to name 3 best of all time, but here are 3 that are very important to me:

  • Anathema “Alternative 4” (my favourite band and its best album in my opinion)

  • Tori Amos “From the choirgirl hotel” (gave me strength)

  • Dead Can Dance “Within the Realm of a Dying Sun” (for creating a surreal, stunning world in my head).

If you could be anyone from any time period who would it be and why?

I would love to live in the Viking Era (VII-IX).  Focusing on the non-blood related details: that’s an era of discovery, passion, courage, inventions, equality. I am impressed with how respected Viking women were.



Second hand market to support sustainable fashion


(Updated) CPD talks, workshops and seminars are back at Maxim Park.